Use TikTok's 'Canthal Tilt' Filter For A Simple Eyeliner Hack
Per The London Transgender Clinic, the canthal tilt is "the angle between the medial canthus (inner corner of the eye) and the lateral canthus (outer corner of the eye)."
TikTok's canthal tilt filter places a line through users' eyes to help them determine their tilt. It's most often used as a guide for eyeliner application.
Many TikTokers are using the filter to improve their eyeliner application strategies, like @jessso999, who posted a video tracing the filter's red line with eyeliner.
The results were perfect-looking winged eyeliner. In the video, she notes how the filter allowed her to quickly apply her eyeliner and save her lots of time.
The filter can also help with more elaborate looks. Another TikTok user posted a video that demonstrated how to use the filter to build more dramatic eyeliner wings.
This filter also seems to work on hooded eyes (which can be tricky when it comes to applying eyeliner), a technique tried and proven by TikTok user @toooweird.