Glimmers: Let The Small, Seemingly Mundane Moments Lift You Up
If you think a "glimmer" refers to sparkly nails, think again. Glimmers are the small, seemingly mundane moments that lift you up and can boost your mindset.
Read MoreIf you think a "glimmer" refers to sparkly nails, think again. Glimmers are the small, seemingly mundane moments that lift you up and can boost your mindset.
Read MoreOwning your self-confidence isn't easy - just ask, well, literally anyone. But these tips will bring it within reach. You deserve it.
Read MoreBad-mouthing an ex is something we've all done at some point. It turns out that it can be therapeutic, though only to a point. Let's find out more.
Read MoreIf you find yourself going from relationship to relationship without having met "the one," you might get attached too quickly. Keep these 6 tips in mind.
Read MoreFarmer's markets aren't just a trendy alternative to grocery shopping. They can foster community, support local businesses, and so much more.
Read MoreBrainspotting is a relatively new form of therapy that has been posited by some experts to help you release trauma that you may be holding on to.
Read MoreIf your summer social calendar is already overbooked, it's time to tap into your inner JOMO. Here's why and how you might want to start canceling your plans.
Read MoreIf you are thinking of trying therapy, FYI, there's more than one type. Here's your guide to the most accessible styles of talk therapy.
Read MoreIf you're getting your first professional massage, you're in for a treat. Here's what to expect at your first massage and how to handle any problems that arise.
Read MoreWe either believe we create our own destinies or that our destinies are already mapped out. Choice can be the key to improving your mindset and mental health.
Read MoreThere's a difference between being sympathetic and empathetic, and too much of either can prove problematic for you and the people you care about.
Read MoreNot eating enough can have a significant impact on your overall health and wellness. Here are the top signs your body shows that you're under-eating.
Read MoreA few years ago, weighted blankets were all the rage, but during the summer, they can be too heavy. Could weighted eye masks be the key to anxiety-free sleep?
Read MoreDepression isn't exactly a favorable experience, but that doesn't stop it from creating a pattern that can feel comfortable. An expert explains why.
Read MoreBefore you turn molehills into mountains, step back, take a deep breath, and consider if the issue you're currently facing could be a Disney Channel problem.
Read MoreSo, your best friend had a baby and you're child-free. Here's how to navigate being in a different space from your friends (and the emotions that come with).
Read MoreHomesickness can strike at any age and is a normal part of life transitions. Understanding how it works and how to cope can help you move forward.
Read MoreGlam spoke exclusively with clinical psychologist Dr. John Dolores about why we keep watching our favorite movies and TV shows over and over again.
Read MoreWe all want to be a positive influence on the lives of others. Unfortunately, giving your resources to others can also be a very easy way to deplete yourself.
Read MoreMany of us have an anxious habit, from nail biting to hair twirling. Is your skin picking an anxious habit, or is it dermatillomania? Here's what we know.
Read MoreThe mental and physical benefits of experiencing live vocals and instruments are incredible. See how attending live music shows can benefit your mind and body.
Read MoreEver think that your friends hate you, even if you don't have any evidence? TikTok users are shedding light on the scientifically proven "liking gap."
Read MoreMost women will experience stretch marks at some point in their lives. Here's how to accept (and even love) these totally normal body features.
Read MoreWe often read about narcissism, but echoism, the opposite of narcissism, can be just as toxic. Follow along with us as we explore this topic.
Read MoreHaving a struggling friend or family member is tough. It's also not easy to convince them to try therapy. Here are 6 tips to gently nudge a loved one to attend.
Read MoreNutrition labels can be helpful if you're trying to avoid certain ingredients, but obsessive attention to them can be a sign of disordered eating. Learn more.
Read MoreWe spoke exclusively with licensed psychotherapist and founder of the Gay Therapy Center Adam D. Blum, MFT, about whether rebound sex really is a good idea.
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