How To Make Curled Hair Last All Day
Curly hair is beautiful, but it's something you often have to work toward. With a few tips, though, you can make it last all day.
Read MoreCurly hair is beautiful, but it's something you often have to work toward. With a few tips, though, you can make it last all day.
Read MoreThere are many factors to consider when prepping to dye your hair. Take the guesswork out of whether or not to wash your hair before dyeing it with these tips.
Read MorePeople are becoming more cognizant of their hair care ingredients, including the silicones used in them. But is silicone actually bad for you? Let's find out.
Read MoreSometimes, technology cannot match old-school techniques. Such may be the case for Velcro rollers, which prove time and time again how well they perform.
Read MoreJust how big of an impact do the changing seasons have on hair?
Read MoreCannabidiol, more commonly known as CBD, has all but been dubbed a miracle solution to many problems. Can hair loss be added to the list?
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Read MoreCurtain bangs are trendy, but they're also versatile. Thus, we've collected our favorite ways to sport this haircut even if you have short hair.
Read MoreRecent years have brought us many new hair products, but one may be better for your scalp than others. It may even calm you down throughout the day!
Read MoreBlow drying hair is an effective way to style and dry it, but it can cause heat damage if done incorrectly or too frequently. Here's how to avoid this damage.
Read MoreEssential oils are not only good for your mood. As it turns out, a fair few of them can make your curly hair moisturized and bouncy like nothing else.
Read MorePrenatal vitamins are used by pregnant individuals, but some non-pregnant persons take it for hair growth. But does this trend actually work?
Read MoreCurling your hair with a curling iron is normal, but doing so with a straightener may seem counterintuitive. That doesn't mean it doesn't work, though.
Read MoreIn a way, hair is like a muscle that can be trained and conditioned. Perhaps it's possible to train it to need washed less. Here's how.
Read MoreY2K fashion trends are back in style, and so are hairstyles from this era. Here are the hairstyles you need to know about to stay on trend.
Read MoreHoney blond hair is beautiful, but it's hard to maintain. This is for many reasons, but all you need to know is that it's manageable — if you know how.
Read MoreMildew doesn't only grow in bathroms. You can experience it in your hair, but you can also treat it and prevent it if you know the right tips.
Read MoreHair breakage can happen for many reasons, but the good news is that there are also many ways to prevent your hair from breaking.
Read MoreCertain hair, fashion, and beauty trends are perfect for certain seasons. Enter the Botticelli bob for summer: a look you won't want to miss.
Read MoreNew hair techniques are always arising, but strandlighting may be the color technique we've needed. (If you thought highlights were too much, check this out.)
Read MoreWaxing is common for many parts of the body, but it can also hurt and be expensive when professionally done. Now, many are turning to honey to self-wax.
Read MoreDespite what you may think, all hair types can hold a curl. You just need to know the proper techniques and products to use.
Read MoreSplit ends happen to everyone. Literally everyone. But can you actually repair them? Or is your only answer to buzz your hair?
Read MoreYou can achieve beachy waves with heated tools, but it's too hot for that. Now, we know what to do to achieve this look without the heat.
Read MoreThe claw clip hair trend from the '90s is back with a vengeance, and it may actually be amazing for your hair.
Read MoreShampooing our hair is part of our normal shower routines, but you may not have heard of low-poo shampoos. We've got you covered.
Read MoreRoot clipping is one of the latest hair trends, and it's even easier than you might think.
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