What Is The Maximum Hydration Method For Super Curly Hair?
If your curly hair is in need of the ultimate moisturizing treatment, look no further than this tried-and-true technique known for creating noteworthy coils.
Read MoreIf your curly hair is in need of the ultimate moisturizing treatment, look no further than this tried-and-true technique known for creating noteworthy coils.
Read MoreWe all know that heat damage is bad for us, but is it truly possible to get sleek, straight hair without heat? Let's find out.
Read MoreOnions enhance countless food dishes from around the world, and they may also be key to the healthiest hair you've ever had.
Read MoreShampoo is the bare bones of any shower routine, but some are opting for the no-poo trend. But what is it, and is it healthy?
Read MoreIf long hair is a goal for you, you'll want to keep it healthy. We've put together some tips that will help keep your long hair strong and avoid breakage.
Read MoreCaviar is an expensive food, but its use in hair care products also can't be understated. Let's break down all of its lush benefits.
Read MoreShedding and hair loss can happen to anyone. Because of this, we all need to know the signs so that we can differentiate them.
Read MoreGray hair is beautiful whether natural or dyed, but caring for it might take an added touch that you didn't know about.
Read MoreWho knew that shinier hair was just one adjustment away? As it turns out, your shower may hold the secret to luscious hair.
Read MoreSome wash their hair daily; others wait longer between washes. But what happens if you go too long between washes?
Read MoreBoar bristle brushes are making the rounds on social media, and as it turns out, they may be perfect for your hair.
Read MoreThe term "porosity" might be new for some, but understanding if you have low- or- high-porosity hair is essential. Here's how to love your low-porosity hair.
Read MoreBlond hair shines in the sunlight, but it can be tinged green after a dip into a chlorinated pool. The good news is that there are a few easy fixes.
Read MoreCan't keep up with your usual haircare routine while traveling? You can still maintain the health and look of your curly locks with a few key tips.
Read MoreThere are countless advantages to working this kitchen staple into your beauty routine. Reap its benefits while going easy on your pocketbook. A win-win.
Read MoreAchieve and maintain a healthy scalp with simple changes to your haircare routine that will remove dead skin, excess oils, and hair product residue.
Read MoreRosemary can elevate savory and sweet dishes alike, but it may also elevate your hair to new heights. Here's how to use it to promote hair growth.
Read MoreWashing oily hair properly is a delicate balancing act, but with the right ingredients in the right products, your hair can look the best it has ever looked.
Read MoreTea has amazing health benefits, and these can translate to your hair. But you need to do a tea rinse the right way to reap them.
Read MoreCold water rinses are becoming more popular, but are they as healthy for your hair as many suggest? Let's look at the science behind it.
Read MoreIt's easy to determine the level of your hair porosity, but caring for it can be more challenging. With these tips, though, your hair will be in bliss.
Read MorePeople are becoming more cognizant of their hair care ingredients, including the silicones used in them. But is silicone actually bad for you? Let's find out.
Read MoreJust how big of an impact do the changing seasons have on hair?
Read MoreCannabidiol, more commonly known as CBD, has all but been dubbed a miracle solution to many problems. Can hair loss be added to the list?
Read MoreRecent years have brought us many new hair products, but one may be better for your scalp than others. It may even calm you down throughout the day!
Read MoreBlow drying hair is an effective way to style and dry it, but it can cause heat damage if done incorrectly or too frequently. Here's how to avoid this damage.
Read MoreEssential oils are not only good for your mood. As it turns out, a fair few of them can make your curly hair moisturized and bouncy like nothing else.
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