Date Nights Need A Makeover, So Here Are 15 Offbeat Date Ideas Gen Z Loves
Sick of Netflix and chill? If you're looking for a creative date activity that you haven't tried before, our list of Gen Z-approved date ideas has you covered.
Read MoreSick of Netflix and chill? If you're looking for a creative date activity that you haven't tried before, our list of Gen Z-approved date ideas has you covered.
Read MoreIn an exclusive chat with Glam, relationship expert Jaime Bronstein shares what a dexting relationship is. You may be in one and not even know it.
Read MoreIf you're frequently scrolling through TikTok, chances are you've heard of the 'beautiful girl effect,' which shares why guys dates out of their league.
Read MoreWhile there may be several dating trends to keep up with, you'll want to know about one more: tuning. However, you'll want to steer clear of this one.
Read MoreDating website Plenty of Fish has come up with some refreshing advice for people looking for love, and we can all officially stop trying so hard to impress.
Read MoreIt's exciting dating someone new. However, before moving forward, consider asking yourself if you're approaching the relationship with 'rizz-colored glasses.'
Read MoreAmong the many dating terms, consider adding one more to your book: flexting. Here's what to know regarding flexting in case if you've never heard of it.
Read More'Breakup season' for folks in relationships is somewhat analogous to cuffing season for single people. Here's when it is and how you can survive it.
Read MoreIf you're tired of trying to find love the same old way, consider manifesting your perfect relationship with what's known as vision board dating.
Read MoreLike a lot of other things, dating trends have changed. In fact, many daters may look to adjust their love life by "smashing the date-triarchy."
Read MoreTry these fall date ideas for first dates, tenth dates, or even as date nights for long-term couples. They range from funny to educational, but all are cozy.
Read MoreMove over ghosting: Dial-toning is a new dating trend that's similar to ghosting, and it's, unfortunately, taking the dating world by storm.
Read MoreAnother dating theory has emerged on TikTok, proposing that a person's feelings towards cats can reveal insights about them and their relationship potential.
Read MoreAlong with the several other dating trends out there, you'll want to add one more to the list: snooze dating. Here's what to know regarding the trend.
Read MoreIf you're scrolling through TikTok on most days, you may have come across the "nickname theory," which may end up helping you with your dating life.
Read MoreFrom adventurous Sags craving a fiery romance to practical Virgos seeking perfection in love, find your cosmic connection with the help of your zodiac sign.
Read MoreFor many, breakups used to be all about keeping it as private as possible. However, some are turning to TikTok to document their post breakup days.
Read MoreMasterdating puts your happiness back in your own hands and can not only help you but also the health of your relationship. Alone time? Sign us up.
Read MoreThe "girlfriend effect" trend has gone viral on TikTok, showing that many girlfriends have a big impact on their male partners' style. Here's more.
Read MoreThe technique works even for the little things - you don't have to hold out until your crush slides into your DMs or you snag a date with your dream partner.
Read MoreThe ideal relationship partner changed as women gained freedom and status in society, resulting in different modern standards compared to even 100 years ago.
Read MoreThe evolution of what partner's look for in a woman has been an interesting ride, to say the least, as we examine how it's changed from the '20s through today.
Read MoreTired of feeling stuck in an endless cycle of fruitless relationships? TikTok's viral "Europe test" offers a simple template for evaluating potential partners.
Read MoreFiredooring can create an unhealthy, lopsided relationship dynamic, yet it's subtle enough that you may not even realize it's happening.
Read MoreMany have likely heard of cancel culture, especially with Hollywood celebrities. However, it can also affect everyday couples who are dating.
Read MoreWondering how you should dress for a date out for drinks as opposed to dinner? We've got plenty of outfit ideas for both day and night and all four seasons.
Read MoreIn a situationship, while you're more than friends with benefits, you're still not quite committed. So, if you develop feelings, here's how to communicate it.
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