13 Signs A Woman Is Truly In Love With You
While some women live their lives like an open book, others tend to be rather difficult to read — especially in relationships. So, if you're dating a woman and you're not sure if she feels as strongly about you as you do about her, there are some things you can pay attention to. Of course, open communication is always key, so talking to her about her feelings is a must — but apart from that, there are certain actions and habits that women gravitate toward when they are absolutely in love.
In a candid conversation with Glam, New York City neuropsychologist and the Director of Comprehend the Mind, Dr. Sanam Hafeez, and New York City relationship expert and creator of the Love À La Carte Method, Susan Winter, have shared their expertise when it comes to figuring out if a woman loves you. From how she treats you to how much she is letting you into her life, there are numerous aspects of your relationship that can tell you how she truly feels about you, even if she hasn't said those three little words yet.
She actually listens and doesn't just wait for her turn to talk
A major sign that a woman adores you is when she actively listens every time you talk. Apart from the fact that she interacts with you during conversations, the easiest way to notice whether she is listening is to pay attention to whether she remembers things you've shared with her. "A woman truly in love will take an active interest in your life, from your hobbies and interests to your dreams and struggles," Dr. Sanam Hafeez shares exclusively with Glam. "This reflects an emotional investment, where she wants to understand and connect with you on a meaningful level," she adds.
When a woman is showing genuine interest in your life by keeping the conversation going, chances are she is falling in love (or she is already there). Now, don't get this confused with the initial getting-to-know-someone stage. First dates are always all about engaged conversation, but if the woman continues having active and emotionally invested conversations with you months after the first few dates, this is a great sign that your romance is flourishing.
A woman loves you if she celebrates your wins like they're her own
Every relationship is a partnership where one's success directly influences the other. And for a romantic relationship, if one partner is achieving something they have been going after, the other partner should be happy for their success. "A woman in love will celebrate your achievements and successes as if they were her own," Dr. Sanam Hafeez explains exclusively to us. "Psychologically, this shows a deep sense of empathy and emotional synchronization; she feels joy because your happiness directly impacts her own." After all, the key to a successful relationship may be all about appreciation.
Being happy for your partner is a clear sign of love, as their happiness is often high on your list of priorities. "It's a sign that she sees your success as part of the mutual growth within the relationship, which enhances feelings of connection and support," Dr. Hafeez adds. However, if your partner doesn't seem to be happy about your success, that doesn't have to mean that they don't love you. Clear and open communication can help you understand if there is a justifiable reason why they are holding back.
She puts in the effort to keep the conversation going
We all know the importance of staying in touch with loved ones throughout the day — especially in the modern era, where a quick text or even a photo is a great way to see how someone you care about is doing. Now, if a woman is falling in love with you, she will try her best to always be in touch with you to some extent. "When a woman is in love, she will make a conscious effort to maintain communication, even during busy times," Dr. Sanam Hafeez revealed in her exclusive conversation with Glam. However, unlike the memes she might be sending her besties, chances are the conversations she is having with you will be a bit deeper than just humor. Chatting throughout the day — even through memes — is one of the simple ways to improve communication in your relationship.
As Dr. Hafeez explains, "This goes beyond casual texting or calls; it means having meaningful conversations about life and more profound topics." Of course, just because she shares her views and beliefs with you, that does not mean the humor and lightheartedness in your communication should be entirely gone. After all, some would even go as far as to say that memes are the official sixth love language — so don't ignore them!
She pays attention to the little things that make you happy
A big part of a healthy relationship is knowing little details about your partner — particularly ones that aren't that well-known about them. "A woman who loves you knows how you like your coffee, knows when you need a hug, and knows the little things that make you feel special," Susan Winter shares exclusively with us. "It isn't a chore. It isn't a duty. These are the small little things she does knowing they'll make you happy."
Of course, this looks different in each relationship, but at the end of the day it's the little things that do add up and matter. "Each individual has their own love language. And when a woman loves you, she's taken time to figure out yours," Winter adds. "Whether through conscious effort or instinctive observation, she prioritizes showing her love in ways that resonate with you." If a woman is making an effort to figure out the details to ensure your life is easier with her in it, she is most likely falling in love.
She always stands up for you — even when you're not around
When a woman becomes protective over you, she has probably caught feelings. "When a woman loves you, she stands up for you — both in private and in public," Susan Winter shares exclusively with Glam. "She won't mock you in front of her friends or speak poorly about you to others in a manner that could degrade your reputation." Of course, she might still occasionally confide to a friend or a family member about something — but it will never be out of spite; instead, it will serve as a way for her to figure out how to solve a problem (and potentially get an objective opinion from a trusted person).
Winter adds that even if she doesn't agree with you, she will still have your back in public, regardless of whether you're there or not. "She has your back, not just behind closed doors, but where it matters most," the expert tells us. "She may disagree with you, but her battles will be in private. True love carries an inherent respect for the partnership, recognizing it as a united front — two people moving through life together, side by side." Of course, this doesn't mean that she won't disagree with you or challenge you; it simply means that for her, it's always the two of you against the whole world.
She actually wants to solve arguments (not just win them)
No relationship is perfect, and arguments are often part of a couple's dynamic. In fact, arguing with your partner more than your friends is completely normal. However, if the partners are keen to solve the problems without the need to be right, that's when you know they truly care about each other. "When a woman loves you, the relationship matters," Susan Winter says. "Nurturing its growth while preserving its strength is a priority. Because of her emotional investment, she feels a deep need to resolve conflicts fairly and ensure misunderstandings don't linger."
In fact, Winter explains further that when a woman is eager to solve an issue in her relationship, it actually shows just how much she cares about her partner and their future. "She values harmony and unity — not by ignoring issues, but by addressing any internal or external threats to the relationship." Any obstacles that a woman in the relationship comes across, she will do her best to overcome them together with her partner, regardless of who was right or what her initial thoughts were. "Conflict resolution, negotiation, and restoring balance aren't about sacrificing herself or her needs; they're about seeking the highest and best outcome for both partners," the expert adds in our exclusive chat. "She knows that love cannot exist with resentment, and seeks honest communication as the basis for correcting any conflicts within the partnership."
She's a little jealous — but in a cute way
Jealousy has a rightfully bad reputation in romantic relationships, but the truth is that a little jealousy can be healthy for couples. "Excessive jealousy is toxic and unhealthy, but mild jealousy or protectiveness can be a sign that a woman is invested in the relationship," Dr. Sanam Hafeez notes in an exclusive conversation with Glam. "Psychologically, this reaction stems from the fear of losing someone she values, driven by attachment and the emotional bond. It can be an instinctive way to safeguard the relationship and ensure that her love is not threatened."
So, if a woman is showing subtle signs of jealousy, that is a common sign of her loving you. However, if there is excessive jealousy, that is never a good sign — not only can it indicate possessiveness and insecurity, but it is also harmful to the person who is jealous, as it can cause numerous physical effects.
She supports your dreams and anticipates your needs
When a woman is supportive of you, it's one of the biggest signs of her caring about your happiness. "When we care about someone, we naturally anticipate their needs — because we pay attention," Susan Winter tells us exclusively. "We notice what matters to them. We sense when they're tense, when they need our support, and when they need space." Of course, this also means that a woman can tell when something matters a lot to you, and if she loves you, she will support you in having that dream fulfilled.
Now, don't get us wrong — if your dreams are a bit on the wilder side, like climbing Mount Everest or skydiving, she might initially have some reservations about them. However, these are mostly rooted in her being worried about your physical safety rather than her not caring about your happiness. If she loves you and sees that you truly need to follow the dream — even the wild one — she will support you.
She's always eager to become an even better partner
Striving to become better at things is a natural attribute humans have — one that helps us live an easier (and often happier) life. And the same thing can be applied to relationships. "Being attuned to our partner's emotions and knowing how to navigate each situation helps us to be a better mate," Susan Winter shares exclusively with Glam. "Desiring to be a better mate is a sign of being in love. It's the 'other-directedness' that occurs because we place the one we love in a position of importance."
If a woman is consistently trying to be a better partner to you, she is doing it because she cares about how you feel. She wants you to know that she loves you and that she will adapt and compromise whenever needed. Of course, this is always a two-way street, so if you aren't willing to do the same for her, she might take that as a sign of you falling out of love.
She's there for love, not just convenience
In today's day and age, it's common to worry whether someone's intentions with you are honest and true. And figuring out if your partner truly loves you or they're just with you because of your status, wealth, or convenience can be a tough task. "When a woman is truly in love with you, she loves YOU," Susan Winter tells us. "Her love isn't transactional or temporal."
Of course, figuring out someone's intentions isn't easy, but reflecting on how you've met them, how they satisfy your needs, and how they react when you're being yourself can all be clues about their intentions. "She's there for the right reasons," Winter adds in our exclusive chat, referring to a woman who is in love. "She hasn't partnered with you out of an agenda to gain your wealth, power, status, or resources. If you lost everything tomorrow, she'd still be the one standing by your side. That's a woman who's truly in love with you."
If she loves you, she's comfortable being fully herself around you
Couples that are bound to last usually reach a high comfort level when it comes to how they feel around each other. And for a woman, this often means letting her guard down, whether we're talking about silly things like sleeping with a face mask, or more deep ones such as allowing you to see her cry.
"People think of more concrete examples [of comfort] like using the bathroom at their place or letting them see you without your typical makeup," Amalia Miralrío, LCSW, MSW, MEd, explained to Elite Daily. "These are perfectly fine examples, but the deeper sense of trust and respect is at the core of feeling comfortable." So, if a woman is very comfortable with you and it seems as if she is showing you every side of her personality, chances are that she is head over heels in love with you!
She introduces you to her inner circle (and actually wants you to like them)
Once a woman is ready to introduce you to her friends and/or family, this generally means that she sees a lot of potential in your relationship and is ready to move things along toward a future together. If she is avoiding introducing you to them, chances are she is very unsure of your relationship. "Pocketing is a situation where a person you're dating avoids or hesitates to introduce you to their friends, family or other people they know, in-person or on social media, even though you've been going out for a while," life coach and psychologist Ana Jovanovic revealed to NBC News. "Your relationship seems non-existent to the public eye."
Of course, the timeline of when a woman is ready to introduce you to her inner circle can vary — those with stricter or more traditional families and friends may take longer to go public. But generally, if you feel like it should have happened and it didn't, that's not a great sign. If she did, however, introduce you to her friends and family, and she cares how you feel about them, there's a good chance that love is in the air.
She talks about the future and you're in it
Last but not least — and perhaps the most obvious sign that a woman is committed to you — is when she talks about your future together. Having "the talk" is crucial for any couple, and if the woman is initiating it, that usually means she's serious about your relationship and ready to make plans for your future because she loves you.
Of course, this doesn't mean you need to wait for her to bring it up to figure out whether she loves you or not — the way she reacts to you bringing it up will also tell you a lot. If she's thrilled and ready to discuss your plans for the next couple of years, that is a great sign that she cares about you and wants to continue having a future together.
Now, if none of these things signs match the woman you're with, we're sorry to be the ones to say it, but perhaps you need to look into signs your partner is preparing to break up with you.