Myths About Lip Fillers You Should Stop Believing

With lip fillers becoming increasingly accessible, plenty are wondering whether to give them a try. However, some who really want more voluminous and plump lips often decide against them because they fear the pain or believe fillers are permanent. To clarify some of the most common filler-related myths, we spoke exclusively to aesthetic nurse practitioner Jackie Spagnuolo of Beauty Nurse NYC. 


While lip fillers certainly aren't for everyone, shedding light on any misconceptions around them is definitely important. From lip fillers always looking unnatural to the treatment being incredibly expensive, Spagnuolo explains to us just what the actual truth is behind some of the most common lip-filler misconceptions. But as with any cosmetic procedure, if you are considering getting fillers, we highly encourage you to take the time to research whether they are a good option for you. A good place to start is understanding every type of dermal filler.

Myth: Lip fillers always look unnatural or overdone

We've all seen it: the case of the unnatural and overdone lip filler. Because of this, many believe that the overdone style is simply how lip filler is supposed to look, but that couldn't be further from the truth. "Many people believe that getting lip fillers will result in an exaggerated, unnatural look," Jackie Spagnuolo tells us exclusively. "When done by a skilled practitioner, lip fillers can enhance your lips subtly and naturally."


To ensure your lip filler looks just the way you want it to, it's important to do proper research on where to get your lips done and have an extensive consultation with your practitioner to ensure both of you are on the same page. Needless to say, it's always best to start small, and add more if necessary rather than going overboard right away.

Myth: Lip fillers are permanent

When it comes to beauty procedures you can get done, some are more temporary than others. But, because many people who start doing lip fillers tend to get them again and again, there seems to be a misconception that lip fillers are permanent. "Some people think that once you get lip fillers, you're stuck with them forever," Jackie Spagnuolo shares exclusively with Glam. "However, most lip fillers are made of hyaluronic acid, which gradually breaks down over time." Of course, with many dissolving their lip filler lately, it's not surprising that this myth is on its way out.


Now, how long it will take for lip filler to break down is very individual and depends on your body and how quickly you will end up metabolizing it. "The effects typically last between six to 12 months," Spagnuolo adds. If you want to get lip filler regularly, it's best to visit your practitioner once there's a noticeable loss in the volume of your lips.

Myth: Lip fillers are extremely painful

While pain is a personal experience that depends on numerous biological and psychological factors, those who fear that getting lip fillers is very painful need not worry. "While some discomfort is expected, most practitioners use numbing cream to minimize pain," Jackie Spagnuolo explains to us exclusively. "The procedure is generally well-tolerated by most patients."


However, while you won't feel much during the injection process, you might experience some pain at the injection site once the numbing cream wears off. That pain should be gone after about 12 to 24 hours. If you know that you have a low pain tolerance, consult your practitioner to see whether nitrous oxide or other ways to reduce the pain are possible.

Myth: You'll need a long recovery time

Many believe that lip fillers require days of recovery, but as Jackie Spagnuolo tells Glam exclusively, that is simply a major lip-filler myth. "A common misconception is that the recovery time for lip fillers is lengthy," she shares with us. "In reality, most people experience minor swelling and bruising that subsides within a few days, and you can return to your normal activities almost immediately."


The swelling usually diminishes after one to two days, but for some, it might take a few days longer. Because puckering can have a bad effect on the filler within the first 24 hours, drinking through straws or smoking isn't advised. If you are planning on getting a treatment soon, check out our guide on what not to do after getting lip filler. But once a few days pass, you'll be able to continue with your life like nothing was ever injected. Well, except for the fact that your lips have additional volume.

Myth: Lip fillers are outrageously expensive

Even though lip fillers have become widely accessible, many who want them tend not to look into their cost, assuming that they are incredibly expensive. "While the cost can vary depending on the provider and location, lip fillers are often more affordable than people think," Jackie Spagnuolo clarifies for us exclusively. "Many clinics offer payment plans, making them accessible to a broader range of clients."


Of course, even with payment plans and discounts, for some, lip fillers remain too expensive, but it's safe to say that with their expanding availability, their price will probably drop even more in the future. According to Care Credit, the average price of lip fillers in the United States at the time of writing is $959, but some places offer it for around $350 per treatment.

