The Disappointing Reality About Growing A Thicker Beard

Everyone who prefers a bit of scruff knows how much effort it takes to grow a thick and healthy beard, but most individuals would agree that it's worth the time and energy, as the presence of facial hair serves more than aesthetic benefits. For instance, beards can send non-verbal signals of social status to other people and can even say a lot about your desirability as a partner. For this reason, it's easy to understand why people are willing to invest in products and home remedies geared toward beard growth. Products such as oils and balms often claim to improve patchy facial hair, but this is a common beard myth that isn't based on scientific fact. Truthfully, there's no definitive way to make your beard grow faster or more densely, but focusing on growing a strong and healthy beard is the closest alternative, which you can accomplish by improving certain lifestyle habits.


Simply put, the rate at which your beard grows is largely determined by genetic factors that are well beyond the power of facial oils. Similarly, the thickness of your beard is tied to the sensitivity of your hair follicles to dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a hormone that your body creates from testosterone. The hormone DHT is directly involved in beard growth, as it binds to the hair follicles to stimulate growth. There are several things you can do to encourage the healthiest beard possible for you, but the standard of thickness will ultimately come down to your genes. 

Using a beard oil doesn't guarantee full scruff

One of the biggest misconceptions about beard oils is that they're hair-loss solutions, even though the proof simply isn't there. They're great for hygiene and general beard-care purposes, but there's little hard evidence that they'll make a scraggly beard grow any thicker or faster. That said, anyone who grows a beard would benefit from including beard-care products into their routine. False advertising notwithstanding, beard oils do contain ingredients such as coconut, jojoba, and argan oils, which help keep both your skin and hair moisturized. These carrier oils are often paired with beneficial ingredients such as tea tree oil that provide anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory properties. Together, these ingredients create the perfect conditions for growing some scruff.


Additionally, beard balms and waxes contain similar ingredients as oils, but they have a much thicker texture. As such, they're better suited for individuals with full beards, rather than stubble. The heavier feel of a wax or balm also helps smooth down flyaways, along with coarse or wiry hairs.

Moreover, a better approach to promoting healthy beard growth involves taking care of your body through regular exercise, adequate sleep, and a balanced diet. Hair growth relies on testosterone, and a 2015 study published in Obesity Reviews found a connection between low testosterone and obesity. A healthy lifestyle can combat obesity and might thus encourage stronger hair growth. Eating a well-rounded diet will also increase your chances of getting all the essential vitamins you need for healthy hair growth, including vitamins D and B12.


Healthy beard growth begins at the root

If you struggle to grow a full and bushy mane, it helps to get down to the root of the problem — literally. Your beard is only as healthy as your skin, so if you're dealing with patchy growth, this could be a sign of an underlying skin issue that's impacting your hair follicles. In this case, implementing a daily beard-care routine is the best place to start your healthy hair journey. Your skin and beard trap all sorts of dirt, oils, and dead skin cells throughout the day. This buildup can clog your follicles, resulting in irritation. Cleansing your face with a gentle cleanser can remove any buildup and unclog your pores.


After cleansing, reach for your favorite beard product. The moisturizing ingredients will soften the skin and hair to reduce dryness or flaking. If you're dealing with ingrown hairs, consider using a cleanser with exfoliating ingredients to buff away dead skin cells. Those who prefer full scruff would also benefit from a beard brush to evenly distribute nourishing oils and break up any tangles. These simple steps are part of a foolproof routine that will improve the health of your skin and bring your beard to its full potential, which is decided by your genetics.

Ultimately, there's little evidence to suggest that popular beard products such as balms and oils lead to faster growth and thicker beards. However, using these products in conjunction with a healthy lifestyle and regular hygiene habits can improve the look and feel of your beard — and hopefully make up for disappointing beard genes.


