How Your Face Shape Affects Aging (And Which One Ages Slowest)

We all know that several factors affect how a person ages, with genetics, diet, and lifestyle being just a few. However, many may not know that your face shape determines the appearance of aging as well. The common face shapes include oval, round, square, heart, rectangle, triangle and inverted triangle, and diamond. Those with round and heart-shaped faces have fullness to their cheeks, while square, diamond, and rectangle folks are more chiseled. If you're not sure, you can determine your face shape once and for all by simply measuring the width and length of your face.


Although everyone ages differently, the one thing we all have in common is that the process is inevitable. On this, board-certified dermatologist and Skincare Junkie founder Blair Murphy-Rose, M.D., FAAD, exclusively told Glam, "The changing face of aging is well-documented. As we age, changes occur in the bones, fat, muscle, and skin, all of which contribute to an evolving face shape. Bone resorption, fat redistribution, muscle weakening, and skin laxity all combine to gradually alter facial contours over time." She shared that because people lose volume in the face as they age, gravity will cause the face to appear fuller at the bottom. "Those with fuller faces may show age more slowly, as facial fat is often associated with youth, while individuals with narrower faces may notice signs of aging earlier," Dr. Murphy-Rose stated. So, folks with round face shapes can rejoice, as they won't show the signs of aging as quickly as others, but according to the dermatologist, they still need to take the right steps in maintaining good skin health.


Those with fuller faces shouldn't abandon a good skincare regimen

Just because you're blessed with a full face, that doesn't mean you shouldn't avoid behaviors that damage your skin barrier. Dr. Blair Murphy-Rose exclusively shared with Glam that all face shapes should take the same steps in protecting their skin. "While genetics are beyond our control, focusing on reducing sun exposure, maintaining a healthy lifestyle (such as avoiding smoking, getting adequate sleep, reducing stress, and following a nutritious diet), and using skin-protective skincare can significantly slow the visible signs of aging," she advised. Regardless of face shape, Dr. Murphy-Rose revealed that aging in general leads to changes like "volume loss, the formation of folds, and the development of shadows on the face," in addition to wrinkles from the loss of collagen, which show up to some degree on all faces.  


If you're looking for cosmetic procedures, such as the softwave skin treatment, to combat aging, your face shape isn't the only factor that doctors will consider. "How to achieve one's aesthetic goals is more complex than just 'this face shape should undergo XYZ procedure.' Each individual requires a personalized approach, often involving a combination of treatments — whether surgical, injectable, energy-based, or topical," Dr. Murphy-Rose noted, adding, "A tailored plan that considers the person's unique anatomy and goals is key to achieving the best, most natural-looking results."

