Red Flags In Katy Perry And Orlando Bloom's Relationship From Our Matchmaker

Celebrity couples come and go, but there's one sure sign of a heavy-hitting match: a cutesy portmanteau of a couple name. Enter actor Orlando Bloom and singer Katy Perry, who have been jointly hailed as Perrybloom since their romance first dawned in 2016. Some fans were immediately on board — "I find them really adorable together," one user wrote on Reddit — while others were more skeptical. "They always seemed like a pretty random couple to me," another Redditor wrote in the same thread.


Whether or not you're personally a fan of the pairing, the dissolution of past celeb portmanteaus like Bennifer and Brangelina has sadly proven that even the most celebrated relationships can go awry. We're left asking, "Is Perrybloom headed for the same fate?" For an expert glimpse into the health of Perry and Bloom's relationship, Glam reached out to Susan Trombetti, matchmaker and CEO of Exclusive Matchmaking.

"When it comes to Orlando Bloom and Katy Perry, I love them as a couple. ... They are obviously trying hard," says Trombetti, who has met both stars in person. "Kindness is the number one trait people look for in a match, and these two seem to have an abundance of it. That's going in their favor." However, Trombetti also acknowledges a few red flags in the relationship. From past friction to the wedding that wasn't, Perry and Bloom face issues that could spell trouble if left unaddressed.


Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom have had plenty of rocky periods

No relationship runs smoothly all the time, but Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom have actually repeatedly referred to their rough patches, hinting that their ongoing partnership isn't all easy. "There has been talk of things being on the rocks before. It seems things are volatile at times," Susan Trombetti exclusively tells Glam. As the "Woman's World" singer commented during an interview on the "On Air with Ryan Seacrest" podcast, she and Bloom "get down to the mat" during disagreements, though she also said they "come back up."


"She also speaks of friction. This just doesn't seem normal," Trombetti continues. "[Bloom] has talked along the same lines before." For instance, Bloom once told Flaunt Magazine, "Sometimes things are really, really, really, challenging. I won't lie." The duo even endured a long split in 2017 — apparently because Perry wasn't ready to settle down. "We weren't ... really in it from day one," Perry said on the "Call Her Daddy" podcast this month. "I was like, this is boring. ... I was playing games."

In the years since their temporary split, both Perry and Bloom have put a lot of work into themselves and their relationship. As Perry wrote on Instagram in 2023, "Orlando and I's initials are O.K. We continuously put in the work to make sure they aren't K.O." Still, the prominence of interpersonal issues in their narrative could be a red flag worth watching as the couple continues to evolve together.


Orlando Bloom and Katy Perry have yet to reschedule their wedding

If you're looking for signs of commitment issues, consider this: Orlando Bloom and Katy Perry got engaged in 2019, but as of 2024, this A-list couple still hasn't tied the knot. "They have been engaged for a very long time," Susan Trombetti exclusively tells Glam. "Where's the marriage?" Originally, Bloom and Perry intended to hold their wedding in 2020. Like many other couples, their plans were put on hold by COVID-19, but unlike many other couples, the marriage didn't go forward when restrictions lifted. As Trombetti notes, "That was [four] years ago, so there appears to be a problem."


Of course, there's no rule about how long or short an engagement should be, and if Bloom and Perry are still growing together, there's no need to rush things. "Two people who don't have it worked out shouldn't be getting married," Trombetti acknowledges. Bloom himself has also expressed a cautious approach to marriage. "It's important to me that we are aligned. I've been married and divorced, and I don't want to do it again," the "Pirates of the Caribbean" actor shared on "Sunday TODAY."

Whether this wariness has helped delay wedding plans is unclear, but Trombetti has her own suspicions. "They had a somewhat quick engagement after having broken up in the past," the matchmaker adds. "Maybe they didn't think things through. Maybe they moved too quickly?" That said, a long engagement isn't always a red flag. Slowing things down could provide the time Bloom and Perry need to build a strong foundation and make sure their marriage eventually starts off on the right foot.


Katy Perry may add pressure by bringing home career stress

In her life as a performer, Katy Perry has never shied away from bold moves or divisive choices. It's one of the reasons that the "Roar" singer constantly makes headlines — the media loves covering everything from her blunt sexual anecdotes to her most inappropriate outfits. However, this constant and sometimes judgmental scrutiny may add an extra level of stress to Perry's homelife with Orlando Bloom.


"Katy's music controversy in her career is her problem, but career problems always impact your relationship," Susan Trombetti exclusively tells Glam. "Think of your partner coming home from work sullen due to a bad day at the office. It's the same thing. You aren't in the best of moods for your SO."

To be fair, this problem isn't exclusive to Perry. While her career may be more contentious than Bloom's, his celebrity status could easily equate to added relationship friction, as any relationship in the public eye becomes subject to damaging rumors and speculation. "The media scrutiny that comes along with being famous can be a red flag in their relationship if the headlines are bad or particularly intrusive all the time," warns Trombetti. Like many other A-listers, Perry and Bloom will have to work hard to protect their peace and keep the pressures of their busy celebrity lives from overshadowing their love for each other.


Orlando Bloom and Katy Perry face the challenges of building a blended family

Telling your date that you already have kids can be awkward enough, but balancing parenthood and romance becomes even more challenging when trying to introduce a new person into your family dynamic — an obstacle that Orlando Bloom and Katy Perry have undoubtedly had to navigate.


"Orlando already has a child with Miranda Kerr," Susan Trombetti exclusively points out to Glam. Bloom and Kerr, a Victoria's Secret model, were together for six years and married for three, and they share a son named Flynn. Trombetti cites this as an area where Bloom and current fiancé Katy Perry must proceed carefully: "Children from the first marriage impact the second marriage or significant relationship. There is a higher rate of divorce among second marriages because blended families can be more difficult."

While reports indicate that Bloom and Perry have a positive relationship with Flynn and even Bloom's ex, the politics of co-parenting should never be underestimated. To complicate matters further, Bloom and Perry also added their own child to the mix, having welcomed daughter Daisy Dove to the world in 2020. With each new family member, it becomes more and more crucial for Bloom and Perry to prioritize their blended family and help everyone coexist in harmony.


Orlando Bloom and Katy Perry can't always make time for each other

Modern life is busy, especially for our favorite celebs. Couples like Orlando Bloom and Katy Perry have to contend with concert tours and film shoots, appearances in separate cities or countries, and obligations that keep them apart for days — or even weeks — at a time. "Sometimes it feels like, 'How do we do this?' Because we've got these two giant careers and lives," Bloom remarked during a 2024 appearance on the "What Now? with Trevor Noah" podcast.


Case in point, Bloom was seen flying solo at the 2024 Golden Globes despite the event holding a significant place in his relationship with Perry. "They weren't at the Golden Globes together, where they first met. Katy likes to think of that fondly as their anniversary, so that's strange," Susan Trombetti exclusively tells Glam. Stranger yet, there was no clear reason for Perry's absence. As Trombetti remarks, "You would think she would keep up with the relationship since it's not like she was on tour."

When a couple is being pulled in so many different directions, it becomes all the more important that they find ways to connect. Without an effort to nurture their romance, Perry and Bloom could find their flame extinguished by the crushing weight of their individual schedules. Still, Trombetti hopes that this is a red flag the duo can overcome. "They seem ... to be kind people," the matchmaker says. "I can't help but root for ... their relationship."


