The Unexpected Lip Feature That People Find Attractive

One only needs to look at the many markets around lips to know that this facial feature is heavily related to beauty ideals. From lipsticks and glosses to lip fillers and viral lip lift hacks, we as a society have come up with endless ways to enhance our puckers, and in doing so, increase our overall attractiveness. Though ideals may differ between cultures, women's lips are widely considered beautiful when they are full, due to the inherent youthfulness of larger lips, but their position on the face also makes a difference. Generally, a short philtrum — or the area between the nose and the lips — is considered feminine and attractive. 


A 2021 study published in the Aesthetic Surgery Journal has shown that it's not just a short philtrum which increases a person's overall level of attractiveness, but also the contours of the area. The study found that on an "aged" woman, participants found noticeable philtrum contours to be more attractive than an upper lip area with no philtrum contouring. The verdict is certainly in, so let's find out why this tiny area of the face can have such a big impact on a person's look. 

The link between philtrum length and youth

There are a few reasons why we might naturally perceive a shorter philtrum to be more attractive than a longer one. For starters, women tend to have inherently shorter philtrums than men, per a 2002 study in the American Journal of Medical Genetics. As a result, a shorter length is associated with femininity and is more desirable, at least in women. Additionally, 2022 research published in Dental Clinics of North America found that a long philtrum can further impact a person's attractiveness by hiding the teeth, translating to an "angry" facial expression, and making the face seem out of proportion. However, the major factor that is likely to make a shorter length desirable is its association with youth. 


Like many parts of the body, the philtrum is not resistant to gravity, so it tends to drop and lengthen with age. This, in combination with more skin elasticity and changes in facial muscles, lead to more length in this area as time goes on. As we've naturally come to associate a longer philtrum with aging, a shorter one has become a symbol of youth. Additionally, contours in the philtrum, which lead to the highly desired Cupid's bow shape above the lips, also contribute to the image of a more youthful face. If your philtrum doesn't seem short or contoured, though, don't fret! Despite these findings in theory, you'd be hard-pressed to find someone whose life was ruined because their philtrum was too long. But if you are looking to enhance this area, there are definitely ways to go about it.


Can you make your philtrum shorter?

The desired philtrum length for women tends to be between 11 and 13 millimeters, while for men it's between 13 and 15 millimeters. One of the most common ways to shorten the philtrum, whether or not you fall into this range, is with a lip lift procedure. This involves the removal of skin from under the nose to shorten the distance between the nose and upper lips. Plastic surgeons are also beginning to offer philtrum contouring procedures, which aim to make the muscles in the area more prominent. While a popular non-surgical option for shortening the philtrum is dermal lip filler injections, often of hyaluronic acid, note that this doesn't actually shorten the area between the nose and the lips; it just makes the distance appear shorter because the lips are fuller. 


A much less invasive way of tending to this area — if you're unhappy with it — is using makeup. As TikTok beauty gurus show us, contouring can deepen the appearance of the muscles in the area, which gives more pronounced curves. Meanwhile, you can use highlighter to emphasize your Cupid's bow and make it seem more prominent, or overline your lips for a plumper look. Beauty vlogger Style Me Jenn suggests drawing attention to the upper half of your face instead, either with a drastic hairstyle or by using makeup to create balance and symmetry between your eyes and eyebrows.

There's nothing wrong with seeking out cosmetic procedures or using makeup hacks to help you navigate insecurities, but it's also important to note that a long philtrum isn't inherently bad, and there's no need to alter yours unless you want to. Regardless of what's attractive on paper, individuality, feeling comfortable in your skin, and displaying confidence are the true markers of beauty.


