Astrologer Tells Us Why 'Opposites Attract' Couldn't Save J.Lo And Ben Affleck's Marriage

It's the end of an era for one of the biggest celebrity couples in history: Jennifer Lopez has officially filed for divorce from Ben Affleck. The pair, who were previously engaged in 2002 before calling it quits in 2004, were relationship goals for those who never stopped thinking "what if" about their ex. After tying the knot for real in 2022, the couple went on to enjoy only two years of wedded bliss. While many fans were convinced they'd go the distance — and who wouldn't, after the pair starred in that legendary Dunkin' Donuts Super Bowl commercial? — it appears that this really is the end of Bennifer. So what happened? Truth be told, there have been some red flags in Affleck and Lopez's relationship in recent months. From Lopez dodging awkward interview questions about her marriage to her suddenly canceled summer tour, avid tabloid readers may not be surprised to hear that this relationship had issues that couldn't be fixed. 


Still, it can be hard to separate fact from fiction in the salacious world of Hollywood affairs — and who hasn't fantasized about being a fly on the wall to hear our favorite celeb couple's heated disputes? Now, you could keep dreaming, or you could consult with the only person who knows the stars better than they know themselves: a star-charter. To fill in the blanks about Bennifer's breakup, acclaimed astrologer Kathryn Silverton spoke exclusively to Glam to reveal that Lopez and Affleck may have called it quits because their differences created conflict while their similarities led to an imbalance within the relationship.

J.Lo and Ben Affleck's matching sun and moon signs signaled trouble

We've all heard the adage that opposites attract, but astrologer Kathryn Silverton is quick to shut that theory down when it comes to Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck. "Jennifer and Ben are both Leo Sun with Scorpio Moons, translating into colorful, dramatic people with strong emotional intensity," Silverton tells Glam exclusively. The matching signs thing sounds pretty cute — that is, until you take a closer look. "The Leo Sun suggests that both value their time in the spotlight, but their Moon signs suggest that behind closed doors, deep and likely hidden emotions drive them both." Ah, the classic brooding entertainer type. As any of us who've dated a lead singer, artist, or theater nerd can attest, it can be quite the deadly disposition!


But the fun doesn't stop there, according to the astrologer. "The fixed nature of these two signs indicates that it's challenging to let go of deep-seated emotions, coupled with the fact that Scorpio, when it feels wronged, can be tempted to sting its prey," says Silverton. "Additionally, they both have Mars close to what we call 'the lights,' the Sun and Moon adding further fuel to their passions." Now, we don't know exactly what happened between these two stars, but this reading reveals some potentially stormy weather in their personal lives. And while their matching sun and moon signs paint a pretty clear picture of what could have caused their split, it's also worth examining the other elements in their charts.


The telling details within Bennifer's birth charts

As it turns out, there are several areas in Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez's birth charts where things didn't exactly mesh. "Ben has Mars in Virgo conjunct his Leo Sun, which suggests he is driven by a need for perfection. On the other hand, Jennifer has Mars in Sagittarius conjunct her Moon, implying that she opts for freedom, especially when she feels emotionally trapped," Kathryn Silverton reveals exclusively to Glam. Furthermore, their very different outlooks on life could have played a part in their unfortunate ending. "Ben's Saturn, the planet of structure and limitations, sits on Jennifer's natal Venus, implying that she may feel squelched by him. This is further exacerbated by the fact that her Mars is squared his Mars, creating additional tension," says Silverton.


Based on Silverton's analysis, it's likely that these problems have been plaguing Lopez and Affleck's relationship for some time. "He has a meticulous game plan, focusing on the nitty-gritty details, whereas she fights for the bigger-picture, philosophical issues. Jupiter is now sitting on her natal Venus, suggesting she's ready to free herself up, and Saturn is squaring her Venus, implying that she's weary and sees that time won't heal their conflicts," Silverton tells us. Despite the doom and gloom of the current situation, J.Lo's Venus may have led to the initial rekindling of their romance. "Interestingly enough, her Venus is in Gemini, the sign of the twins, which makes it understandable that she would remarry the same person," Silverton says.


‌The planets spell out the exact timeline of Bennifer's rise and fall

The news of Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck's divorce may be hot off the presses at the moment, but Kathryn Silverton believes the actual breakup started earlier this year. "First off, it is clear that this relationship reached a boiling point two to three months ago," Silverton tells Glam exclusively. "Jennifer's progressed Moon moved over her natal Mars on May 20th, triggering her need for freedom. Ben's progressed Moon moved over his natal Pluto on June 8th, suggesting that the marriage was likely dead in the water by this point." And yes, it all adds up if you're keeping score at home. Case in point: On May 22, Simu Liu rushed to J.Lo's defense when she was asked about Affleck by the press while promoting the Netflix film "Atlas."


Though there's rumored to be a total lack of communication between Lopez and Affleck at the moment, their charts suggest there's more to the story between these two. "Ben may be holding on to anger, indicating that he won't go quietly into the night, whereas Jennifer, with Jupiter on her natal Venus and Saturn squaring her Venus, suggests she's done and wants to be free to move on with her life," says Silverton. It could be a while before we learn exactly what those next moves are — but luckily, the stars hold some insight as to how they might unfold in the coming months.

What the future could hold for J.Lo and Ben Affleck's future love lives

It's going to take some time to get used to the idea of Bennifer being over, but Kathryn Silverton sees good things ahead for Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez as they go their separate ways. For Affleck, this could mean taking some much-needed time off. "Jupiter is sitting in Ben's 12th house right now, implying it's time for him to recede from the public eye," Silverton shares exclusively with Glam. That said, it won't be the last we'll hear from the "Air" star. "Once Jupiter moves over his natal Venus and Ascendant in mid-July of 2025, he'll be ready to take risks again," the astrologer adds. But the juiciest — and of course, purely speculative — detail in Silverton's astrological reading involves another ex from his past. "Jennifer Garner is likely a quiet supporter of Ben, as several of her Gemini planets are in his 12th house of 'behind the scenes' activities," says Silverton.


As for Lopez, there seem to be plenty of romantic blessings on the way in the next two years. "Neptune and Saturn create a grand trine to Jennifer's Sun-Mercury conjunction and her natal Mars in June of 2025 and early 2026, laying the groundwork for a relationship that fits her ideals and promises greater longevity," Silverton says. "She needs to temper her sense of idealism regarding relationships since Neptune, a rather 'dreamy' planet, is conjunct her moon." While history has shown that Bennifer could make another comeback, it will be interesting to see who Jennifer Lopez chooses to court next.

