5 Low-Key Things That Are Highly Attractive

Have you ever looked at a stranger and found them compelling for some reason, even if you can't quite put your finger on why? They may not have been the most beautiful person on the planet, but something about them caught your eye. After all, being silently attractive doesn't require flashy clothes or a ton of makeup. Perhaps it was the way they were sitting or smiling softly to themselves as they recalled a funny moment. These are the things that can make people alluring in a low-key way.


Being attractive is a trait that many people deem important, and it's not just for superficial reasons. Sure, having naturally good looks gives you a leg up in some instances, such as  getting a crush to notice you. However, that doesn't mean that you have to doll yourself up every time you leave the house. There are plenty of subtle habits you can practice that have a way of making people take notice of you.

Good table manners

One of the first things we learn while growing up is to eat politely. After all, no one wants to sit across from someone who chews with their mouth open. While it's fine to do so when you're alone in the privacy of your own home, having good table manners in public is a highly attractive trait you can have without saying a word. Even if you're grabbing lunch by yourself on a workday, you'll be surrounded by fellow diners who will appreciate you eating elegantly.


According to etiquette expert Margery Sinclair, the proper way to eat is to hold your fork with the tines facing down and place small bites in your mouth (via TMJ4 News). It's also important to note that you should bring the bite up to your mouth; you should never lower your head to meat the bite halfway. Another rule of thumb is to place your napkin on your lap as soon as you sit down, even if the food hasn't arrived yet. When dining with others, try to match their eating pace and keep your napkin on your lap until you're ready to leave so that others don't have to look at the dirty linen. Sounds easy enough to remember!

Good posture

Practicing good posture has a host of benefits, with one being that it makes you more attractive. Unfortunately, slouching isn't typically seen as sexy, and hunching over can actually make you seem less confident. When you stand up straight, you not only look taller but you also exude self-assurance, which is a highly appealing trait. In fact, a 2016 study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences showed that those who had a more "expansive" upper body were seen as more "physically attractive." 


"The body makes signals, and perceivers pick up on cues very quickly. In this case, we've found that postural expansiveness carries a high value in quick romantic contexts. Specifically, expansiveness signals access to resources and dominance," Tanya Vacharkulksemsuk, one of the study's co-authors, told PsyPost. Many of us don't realize when we're slouching, so it's important to be aware of how we hold ourselves. Whether you're waiting in line at the supermarket or sitting at your desk, give yourself a mental check every so often and remind yourself to straighten up. And if you're ready to take your posture game to the next level, check out our best posture-improving tips to become your best self.


Being an active listener

When somebody is speaking to us, we hear them, but it's easy to not really be listening. Either we're formulating our responses in our heads, or worse, we interrupt them with our own thoughts. This can make the speaker believe that they're not that important to us, which lowers our appeal to them. Making others feel wanted and heard will have them naturally gravitate toward you because, after all, everyone needs the spotlight every now and then.


While listening to someone speak, maintain eye contact, and show that you're paying attention by nodding your head and repeating some of their words. During pauses in the conversation, be sure to ask relevant questions, not just fluff. In addition, pay attention to your facial expressions. Even if the story is going on forever and you're bored, don't roll your eyes or yawn. This, too, can be perceived negatively. These tips are a lot to remember, but with time, you can master active listening and make all the difference in your relationships.

Smelling good at all times

We've all had someone walk by and leave behind an enticing scent — whether from a fragrance or fresh laundry — and were immediately intrigued. There's something about a clean smell that makes one attractive, which is why having good hygiene is high on the list of important traits to have. People on Reddit tend to agree with this notion, with one user pointing out, "The right smell (especially men's smell) can change someone's whole presence. You meet someone and if they smell good you automatically think that they have great hygiene etc. Also, who doesn't like to be around good-smelling ppl, right?"


That said, there's a fine balance between smelling nice and dousing yourself with perfume. Too much fragrance is never a good thing and can actually repel people away. What our best tips? Well, aside from bathing and washing your hair regularly, make sure to use deodorant, and if you do use perfume, spray it sparingly. For added allure, layer your perfumes for a scent that's all your own.

Being yourself

We've all wished we could be like someone else, and while it's perfectly okay to channel your inner Beyoncé, being your authentic self is one of the most attractive things you can do. If you're acting out of character or pretending to be another person, your fakeness, as it could be seen, might be sniffed out a mile away. So, let out your quirky side, or if you're the quieter type, don't force yourself to be the life of the party and crack loud jokes. It's okay if you're more comfortable on the sidelines and prefer quiet, one-on-one conversations.


A 2015 study published from Australian researchers in the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin found that people who didn't conform to standards were considered more interesting. "Nonconformity is more attractive than conformity for women and men. People think that men prefer conformist women, but this impression is discrepant from reality," the research team, helmed by social psychologist Matthew Hornsey, told the Pacific Standard.

Being yourself is also better for finding your perfect match in the long run. If you fake liking fine art or loving a certain food, you'll be stuck pretending for the duration of the relationship unless you fess up. However, if you live your true life, you'll attract similar-minded folk who believe that you're enough.


