Is Jelly Roll And Bunnie Xo's Fire-Hot Romance Fake? Astrologer Susan Miller Debunks The Rumors

Country star Jelly Roll and his wife, podcaster Bunnie Xo, aren't shy about posing for the cameras or sharing their wild life stories, including peeks into their relationship. "It's a white-trash love story," Jelly Roll once joked on the "King and the Sting" podcast. "She's my best friend." Meanwhile, Bunnie Xo often celebrates her husband on social media, including in one now-expired Instagram story from July 2023 where she said, "He's my end game. I don't want to do life [with] anyone else. ... That's my guy. Forevs."


Yet, despite this regular outpouring of affection, some onlookers insist that Bunnie Xo and Jelly Roll's relationship is on shaky ground — if not an outright sham. "Just wait until this man becomes more famous. She'll be old news," one skeptic wrote on Reddit. Another user cast aspersions at Bunnie Xo, writing, "She just strikes me as a cheater through and through."

With so much doubt floating around, it's enough to make you wonder: Which narrative is the truth? Cynics' assumptions that Jelly Roll and Bunnie Xo's relationship is a shallow front, or the couple's grand tale of their "white-trash love story"? To find out more, Glam spoke exclusively to renowned astrologer Susan Miller, the founder of Astrology Zone, who examined the duo's astrological charts to see what they have to say about the couple and came out the other side as a believer in Jelly Roll and Bunnie Xo's red-hot romance.


Jelly Roll and Bunnie Xo are astrologically compatible in a lot of ways

Evaluating the vibe between Jelly Roll and Bunnie Xo, Susan Miller points first to their complementary sun signs — Sagittarius for Jelly Roll and Aquarius for Bunnie Xo. "She's air, and he's fire. Air makes fire burn more brightly," the astrologer exclusively tells Glam. In fact, Aquarius is one of the zodiac signs Sagittarius is most compatible with. What's more, one of the hallmarks of a successful Aquarius-Sagittarius relationship is having room to be their true selves. "These are the two signs that need a lot of space," Miller explains. This echoes statements that Bunnie herself has made about her marriage to Jelly Roll. During an April 2020 episode of her podcast, "Dumb Blonde," she remarked, "We allow each other to be who we want to be."


Astrologically speaking, it's also likely that Bunnie Xo nails Jelly Roll's taste in women. Miller points out that both of their charts emphasize ambition and entrepreneurship while also bringing compassion and creativity to the forefront. So, when Jelly Roll waxes poetic about his wife's charm, he probably means it. Even the nitty-gritty elements of their charts seem to bring Jelly Roll and Bunnie Xo closer together — namely the former's Uranus placement. "Uranus conjunct the sun makes you more like Aquarius, and that's what his wife is," Miller points out. "So they're really made for little ladyfingers on a cake together. They're just perfect together."

Bunnie Xo and Jelly Roll's passion is unique but genuine

Critics consistently point to the idiosyncrasies of Jelly Roll and Bunnie Xo's partnership to suggest the romance is a hoax. For instance, they got married very quickly, having a late-night Las Vegas wedding the same day they got engaged (and barely a year into their relationship). However, Miller doesn't see this as moving too fast in a relationship. "They're different than us," the astrologer exclusively tells us. "[Jelly Roll] is impulsive, but he knows things faster than the rest of us. ... He's highly intuitive, and he didn't see any reason to wait." When it comes to love, if you know, you know.


She adds that their unique connection — and the need for freedom held by both Aquarians and Sagittarians — also explains the couple's open marriage. "They're going to do things that are ahead of the curve," says Miller. "They are nontraditional." In other words, this alternative approach to marriage may not be a sign of insincerity or infidelity — rather, it could be a prime example of Bunnie Xo and Jelly Roll blazing a trail to their ideal lifestyle together.

Miller also shuts down the nearly endless shade thrown at Bunnie Xo that accuses her of being in the relationship for money or attention. "She is not one of these girls who wants to marry someone famous and be on the arm of a famous person on the red carpet," says Miller. "She wants to be known for her own achievements, not just his." So, with all this in mind, is it likely that the affection between Jelly Roll and Bunnie Xo is authentic? The stars seem optimistic. As Miller concludes, "It's definitely real."


