This TikTok-Viral Spine-Cracking Hack Will Protect Your Paperback Books

If you resent the cracks and creases that tend to form along the spine of your paperback books over time, you're not alone. After a certain point, the once-pristine spine of the title you're reading is bound to bend out of shape, forever tainting your copy and very possibly jeopardizing the aesthetic of your chic bookshelf. To get around this, you could exclusively read hardbacks, which don't suffer from the same problem. However, hardbacks tend to be more expensive and aren't available for every book. Your other option is to jump on board the spine-cracking bandwagon that's popular on BookTok.


This hack may sound violent, but it simply uses a gentle process to "train" your paperback book spines to stay smooth and flat, as explained by TikToker @brie_reads_books. It's easy and totally free, though a little time-consuming. Still, as long as you remember to do it before you start reading, it can save your favorite paperbacks from becoming tattered and worn before their time.

The spine-cracking hack

Not to be confused with wellness TikTok hacks that aim to crack your human spine, BookTok's spine-cracking hack aims to prevent creases from forming in your paperbacks in the first place. As user @brie_reads_books explains in the tutorial, you'll need to begin by placing your book spine-down on a flat surface. Brie also stresses that, since this is a preventative hack, it's vital to do this before you read the book. If your goal is to start reading more, make a habit of it every time you purchase a new book so you can keep your books in good shape.


Once spine-down, take the front and back covers β€” plus a few pages from each side, aka the very first and last pages β€” and firmly press them down against your surface (desk, kitchen table, or otherwise), flattening the seam of each side with your finger. Follow this by taking a few more pages from both sides and repeating the process, pressing along the seams to flatten each side while holding the bulk of the book upright from the middle. Repeat this, using only a few pages from both sides at a time, until you've opened the entire book. It may take a while, but don't be tempted to flatten larger sections of pages β€” stick to only a few pages at a time to get an even effect. Then, go through the whole process again, this time working with more pages at a time. You should be left with a book that easily opens to any page without creasing.


How to keep your paperbacks in good condition

Avoiding cracks and creases on the spine is one of the best ways to preserve the condition of your beloved paperbacks, but there are also other things you can do to keep them looking new. The way you store your books is especially important, as keeping them in high temperatures or direct sunlight can impact the color of the pages, turning them from white to yellow. On the flip side, keeping them at low temperatures can make the pages more likely to tear. Aim to store them in a reasonably cool area where they'll be safe from extreme temperatures on either end of the scale (er, thermostat). Humidity can also cause your paperbacks to deteriorate, so if you live in a humid climate or regularly use a humidifier, consider investing in plastic covers for your books.


Furthermore, try to store your books standing upright without packing too many into a tight space, as this can also permanently change their shape. Make a habit of regularly dusting your bookshelf to keep your paperbacks (and hardbacks) as clean as possible, and if you notice any sort of odor, slip an air freshener between the pages. When it comes time to revisit your favorite titles, avoid grabbing them by the upper lining of their binding; it's much better to move the books on either side of the book you want and gently retrieve it by both sides. This may take a few extra seconds each time you want to grab a book from your shelf, but books are an investment, so we should treat them as such.


