Pre-Shower Makeup Is All Over TikTok Right Now. Here's What You Need To Know About The Trend

It may seem counterintuitive to put on a full face of makeup right before hopping in the shower, but that's precisely what the TikTok girlies are doing as of late, and the reason makes a lot of sense –- it also happens to be a lot of fun. Pre-shower makeup is simply a chance to try new makeup aesthetics, products, and techniques without the added pressure of going out afterward. Essentially, you know you'll be washing your makeup off in just a moment, so if you've wanted to try a dramatic cat eye or bright blush, or you're just craving to go all out and get silly with your makeup, this is your opportunity. 


"I luv being a woman," TikTok user @bailey.dee captioned a video of her pre-shower makeup. The trend centers on using your face as a blank canvas to experiment freely. Whether you're learning a new technique or just expressing yourself, it can't be denied that the trend is enjoyable. It could even come with some added mental health benefits.

Refine and unwind with pre-shower makeup

Some of us may not allow ourselves to truly practice our makeup technique with enough room and grace to make mistakes. Typically, we're applying makeup and then heading out with the best work we can accomplish. But pre-shower makeup is a lot like an art classroom. Knowing we will be washing it right off, we can improve our contour, highlighter, blush placement, and lip liner.


This simple act could even serve as a form of makeup therapy that helps us feel more in control of our lives. "We are the only ones who apply cosmetics," international aesthetician Dr. Geetika Mittal Gupta explained to Elle. "As a result, the burden of responsibility is lifted off our shoulders, and we become our own boss. Even the simple understanding of knowing which product to apply on our face is a form of control in our beauty process."

Of course, as fate would have it, sometimes we'll nail it and stepping into the shower is the last thing we'll want to do. "Then it turns into your best work ever and don't wanna wash it off," one TikTok user commented. Our best solution is, of course, a quick photo shoot before shower time. "Learning other people do this just made my day," another person commented, showing us once more that TikTok brings us together in the most unexpected ways. And we may just be adding this step to TikTok's everything shower trend.


Pre-shower makeup lets you experiment and express yourself

Some TikTok users have found that pre-shower makeup is nostalgic and playful. "Girlhood joy is experimenting with pre shower makeup," @tramdoodles wrote in her video, which was captioned, "like a child putting crayon to paper." This sentiment captures the other potential benefit of the trend: a stronger sense of self. "Allowing the space to express yourself gives you a sense of identity and personality," mental health therapist Jane Polinski, PLMHP, PCMSW, advised The Zoe Report regarding the use of makeup. "By figuring out who you are and what you're about, it can lead to increased self esteem and positive mindset."


Some take the trend to the edges, intentionally playing with over-the-top looks. "Men will never understand doing bad makeup before taking a shower," said user @spamm.johanna1 in her video. The exaggerated, messy makeup looks are likely liberating. Some commenters have shared that they use their older, expired makeup that has gone bad to play around with, and the pre-shower makeup ritual can also be a stress reliever. We can certainly see how a no-stakes creative activity like this could ease the feeling of being overwhelmed or out of touch with yourself. Sometimes, play truly is the remedy.

