Grease Or Cream Makeup: Which Is The Better Formula For Your Halloween Look?

Spooky season is upon us and if you're an autumn girlie, you likely have a vision in your mind's eye of your Halloween costume — or maybe it's already hanging in your closet ready to scare. If you're going for a look that requires a full face of fantasy makeup, or perhaps some realistic-looking wounds, you know finding the right makeup for your getup is key. While opting for a mask is one way to spice up your All Hallows' Eve garb, creating beautifully detailed looks with Halloween makeup can be a satisfying process, too.


When it comes to grease or cream makeup, your particular costume and the festivities you plan to attend factor into the mix. Grease makeup tends to come in bold, vibrant hues, but also rubs off onto material. So, if you're wearing a silk gown, you probably don't want to take this route. Cream makeup, on the other hand, is great for blending and is also available in non-smudge varieties, so this may be your best bet for fine fabrics. Which will be the better formula for your look?

Grease makeup is sheer and great for kids

When you think of clown makeup or the white makeup used to create a classic vampire look, grease makeup is likely what you're envisioning. The consistency is obviously greasy as the product is oil-based. You can create impressive detail with grease makeup and it's best applied with a makeup sponge. If you're helping your kids perfect their Halloween looks as goblins and ghouls, grease makeup is your best friend.


As mentioned earlier, grease makeup is, well, messy. It doesn't set like other makeup and when it comes to your little witches and warlocks, you'll likely want to use a setting powder to make sure it stays in place for the duration of trick-or-treating — otherwise, you'll be finding grease makeup on just about every surface for days to come. If you add another layer of makeup or more details after setting, repeat the powder application. Once the evening has wrapped up, grease makeup can be removed with soap and water or makeup wipes. It may take an additional wash to remove the makeup residue as the product does penetrate the pores, and always be sure to care for your skin after removing Halloween makeup


Cream makeup is full coverage and easier to blend

Cream makeup has a lot in common with grease makeup, but it provides fuller coverage and you won't be dealing with as much mess — especially if you can find a non-smudge cream. This is a great option if you don't want to risk your makeup melting onto your costume. Cream makeup is water-based and is great for blending. You'll find the non-smudge variety does dry quickly, so you'll need to add your detailing swiftly. It's typically easier to control cream makeup than grease makeup, so combining colors and adding detailing around the eye area and in other creases is a smoother process. If you're going as a zombie or a bride from the grave for Halloween, then quick-drying cream makeup, like this palette from Narrative Cosmetics, is ideal for creating cuts, scabs, and bruises.


If your Halloween look is intricate and detailed, non-smudge cream or solid pigment makeup are likely your best bets — although the latter does require some practice and skill. Essentially, either cream or grease makeup will work for most skeleton, vampire, fairy, or monster makeup. Consistency, blending, smearing, and removal are all factors to consider when choosing which makeup to work with. A trial run prior to Halloween is always a smart move, so you could give both cream and grease makeup a whirl to see which one captures your desired look best.

