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What Are The Beauty Benefits Of A Terrycloth Pillowcase (& Will It Replace Our Silk)?

You might know your skincare routine so well that you could do it in your sleep, but are you actually nailing your nighttime glam routine? Myriad skin, hair, and healthcare hacks in recent years have proved that getting your beauty rest isn't just a cliché. From shifting your bedtime earlier to actually washing your comforter every once in a while, there are many small shifts you can make to incorporate wellness from sun up to sundown. 


For those who lack the nighttime energy to take on a whole new regimen, never fear! Some healthy habits are as simple as laying your head down on your pillow. In recent years, the silk pillowcase has been lauded for its skin and hair benefits. What could be better than a hack that is soft and gives you an excuse to go shopping for silk? Perhaps, a hack that sends you searching for terrycloth. 

That's right — the latest snoozing trend is purportedly rooted in the same material that makes your bath towels fluffy. If you've gotten sick of the silk and are looking for a new skincare solution, this might be the answer you've been looking for. 

What's the terrycloth pillowcase trend?

Terrycloth is already a popular home fabric, so it's no surprise that it eventually made its way to the bedroom. You likely have terrycloth in most other rooms of your home — whether its found in towels, washcloths, bathrobes, or mats. The familiarity of this material has made it a popular tool for DIY projects, including crafting pillowcases. Etsy is home to many different terrycloth pillowcase artisans. 


The popularity of terrycloth pillowcases is a slight departure from their beloved predecessors: terrycloth pillowcase protectors. Due to its absorbent and long-lasting quality, terrycloth has often been used as a layer between a standard pillowcase and your pillow. The thin linings have been enjoyed by thousands on Amazon, but sleeping directly on terrycloth is a somewhat recent trend. 

After all, why not cut out the middle man? Terrycloth has so many benefits that you may not want to hide it under your boring old case. 

Benefits of terrycloth pillowcases

Many benefits of the terrycloth pillowcase are rooted in the same qualities that make this material perfect for towels. Those who can't kick the habit of going to sleep with wet hair can lay down without fear of water damage on their pillow case or pillow itself. It's worth noting, however, that sleeping with wet hair isn't recommended due to the risk for damage and potential style hardships in the morning. 


The absorbent material also has benefits for your skin. If you have problems with excess oil (or are a sleep sweater), a terrycloth pillowcase helps to soak up the excess and ensure that your skin isn't marinating in a greasy environment all night. Of course, this absorption makes it necessary to stay on top of washing your pillowcase frequently, but that's a good routine to start anyway. 

And speaking of washing — terrycloth pillowcases are durable and maintain their quality after many rinse cycles. Unlike most materials, terrycloth's cotton actual strengthens and becomes more durable when wet. That means that you can keep your pillowcase fresh without worries of it tearing, pilling, or losing its feeling of quality. 


Terrycloth pillowcases vs. silk

Terrycloth might match silk in terms of potential skin benefits, but the latter wins out in terms of haircare. Even in towel form, terrycloth is often too rough for frequent use on your hair. New York Magazine writes that, especially when drying, the harsh texture of terrycloth can eventually cause breakage and damage. Silk, on the other hand, is beloved for its lack of friction — allow your hair to rest comfortably and naturally while you sleep. 


Silk may win out in the hair category, but terrycloth does have some undeniable skin benefits, depending on your needs. As mentioned previously, the material is highly absorbent. While silk is cooling and can help prevent sleep sweating, it's not as good at soaking up the sweat that does appear. Terrycloth is quick to dry yourself and itself. Because it does not retain moisture for a long time, terrycloth is less likely to develop mildew or allow for bacteria growth, and goodness knows the last place you want to lay your head is a breeding ground for bacteria. 

The bottom line? Terrycloth and silk pillowcases might both be the best, but for different audiences. Those who manage excess oils and sweat on their face might be drawn to terrycloth, while those with dry skin could appreciate that silk is less on the hunt for moisture, allowing you to retain more hydration. You may even fall into a third category, best served by a different material altogether. 


Finding the right material for your pillowcase

Ultimately, the type of pillowcase you purchase should be based on your individual needs and goals, not a trend. While it's worth keeping up with the latest fads to know all of your options, you shouldn't sacrifice your sleep quality to fit in. As mentioned previously, this new terrycloth option is great for those who tend to go to bed with their hair wet or are worried about sweating in their sleep. Switching to a terrycloth pillowcase — or pillowcase protector — is a great way to protect your actual pillow from water damage and mildew. 


If you've been loving your silk pillowcase, there's no need to abandon it. Its benefits are undeniable and, regardless, your pillowcase won't make or break your skin or hair health. If you feel like your fabrics might not be pulling their weight in your beauty routine, you can compensate with other products and simply be on the look out for the problems your pillow could cause down the line.

Some factors of pillowcase selection may be entirely outside of your control. If right now your priority is finding a pillowcase that is affordable or manages to keep your allergies at bay, that's perfectly okay! As you consider emerging trends and available options, paying attention to the price, material, cooling qualities, and absorption of each case will help you to find the sleeping companion of your dreams. 


