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The 3 Skincare Products That Should Never Be Refrigerated

Just like a good glass of chilled champagne, skincare products feel best when they are nice and cold, regardless of whether or not the cool temperature actually does anything to enhance the performance of the ingredients. We love a good cold eye cream to wake us up in the morning just as much as the next person. And don't get us started on a cool serum before bed. But are we dampening our products' potential by keeping them in cold temperatures? Are there products we shouldn't be refrigerating?


As it turns out, yes, the effects of certain skincare products can be dampened and even nullified when stored in too cold temps. Products made of clay, oil-based products, and certain balms should never be chilled, lest they get damaged or lose their potency. If you're a skincare enthusiast and didn't know of the downsides of refrigerating your favorite products, give this a read.

Products made of clay

Clay masks are amazing for clogged pores, dull skin, and oily complexions. But if you've ever thought of putting a clay mask in your skincare fridge, we would advise against it. Other masks — such as sheet masks and gel or cream masks — are perfectly fine to store in cold places, but clay masks should never be chilled.


Not only will refrigerating a clay mask — or any other clay-based product — result in a change in its color, but its consistency will change also. This will make it extremely difficult to spread over the face, especially if the product remains in cold temperatures for too long. What makes clay masks so effective is the ease with which they glide on and spread to all areas of the face. This consistency is purposefully achieved by brands that make these clay products to give their clients the results they seek. Putting clay skincare into a fridge will often jeopardize this process.

Oil-based products

Oil-based skincare is popular among people with dry or combination skin. And while many skincare products include some sort of oil in their formulation to add moisture to the skin, pure oils for the face are most commonly sold as serums with high concentrations of one or two particular oils. While we agree that a cold serum feels nothing less than wonderful on the skin, especially when it's dehydrated, you should still never refrigerate your oil-based serums or any other oil-based skin product you may own.


According to Reviva Labs, the oils in these products can easily congeal when stored in cold temperatures. If this happens, it will hinder your product's performance and its ability to be absorbed into the skin. And this remains the case even if it eventually warms upon application. Instead of the fridge, keep your serums and oil-based products in a cool, dry place such as a cupboard, where a consistent temperature can be maintained.


Balms — they do it all: moisturize, soothe, cleanse, and repair. The versatility of balmy skincare products is undeniable, and nearly all popular brands have some type of balm in their collection. But how should they be stored? 


The nature of a balm is to melt into your skin with the help of the warmth your skin radiates, which makes it buttery and easy to spread. And just like butter, however, the colder it is, the longer it takes to melt. This is why storing these products in the fridge is not the best choice, as doing so can prevent them from performing how they are intended.

In addition to hardening the consistency and making it more difficult to smooth onto the skin, many balms are also formulated with oil in them, which makes them even more prone to being damaged when stored in cold places. Wax-based balms are more forgiving, but they also may harden too much for a smooth application if chilled.

