Why You'll Definitely Want To Make An SPF Primer Part Of Your Daily Beauty Routine

Sunscreen is so important to our daily routine. According to Hopkins Medicine, the simple product can give the skin an array of benefits, such as preventing skin cancer, sunburn, and aging prematurely. Sunscreen has become such a lifesaver that SPF cannot only be found in sunscreen but in your makeup, too. SPF is a measurement used to gauge a sunscreen's ability to protect against UVB rays. By purchasing quality sunscreen, you are taking the proper steps to improve and protect your skin.


However, there have been issues with sunscreens and makeup. Some have noticed that after applying makeup over their sunscreen, they experience pilling, which completely ruins how their makeup looks. While some people have opted out of wearing SPF sunscreens while wearing makeup, there is another option. Recently, there has been an influx of sunscreen primers that work amazingly under foundation and even without it. While there might be some questions about its effectiveness, this could be a great alternative to the average facial sunscreen.

What is an SPF primer?

When it comes to beauty and SPF, there has been skepticism about how much sun protection makeup with SPF provides. However, according to The Klog, having an SPF primer with SPF 30 or above allows the skin to get the protection it needs while sitting perfectly under your makeup. This is because primers like Kosas' DreamBeam and the Inky List's Polyglutamic Acid Dewy Sunscreen usually come with skincare ingredients as well as blurring properties that create the perfect base.


To get the best results for your skin, The Klog recommends searching for products with broad-spectrum protection to keep your skin safe from UVA and UVB rays. It is also important (regardless of makeup) to still touch up your sunscreen if you're spending your day in the sun. Using an SPF topper or a foundation with SPF is an easy hack that makes the SPF melt into your skin.

How to use SPF primer

Believe it or not, it's really easy to use SPF primer. It can be easily incorporated into your skincare routine. "Sunscreens are designed to be effective when applied directly to clean skin free of makeup — which means you should allow it to settle for a few minutes before putting on makeup," cosmetic dermatologist Dr. Michele Green M.D. explains to The Zoe Report. The primer needs to settle because applying makeup too soon can disrupt the properties of the sunscreen, causing it to be less effective. Dr. Kiran Mian, a dermatologist at Hudson Dermatology and Laser Surgery, recommends to the New York Times to wait at least two minutes before touching your face to allow the sunscreen to be the most effective.


It is also important to make sure to apply an adequate amount of product on the skin before leaving the house. Healthline recommends applying .04 ounces of sunscreen for the best results.

