What's The Difference Between Body Oil And Lotion?

We are all after soft and healthy skin. More than ever before, people are pouring time and effort into finding skincare products that work best for them. Unfortunately, there are an overwhelming number of products on the market all promising to make your skin the best it has ever been, so what do you buy?


Particularly in the skin hydration department, there is a multitude of product types, all stating that they will make your skin soft and luscious. Yet, which do you trust? Hydrating your skin is important because it reduces oiliness and helps fight against skin conditions, according to skincare brand esse. All in all, skin hydration is no laughing matter.

If you ask your friends what skin moisturizing product they prefer, you probably will get mixed reviews. This is because there are major texture and ingredient differences in each product. Since no skin is the same, it is only fair that certain products work better on some people's skin than others. The debate particularly gets heated between body oil and lotion. Both products promise to leave the skin supple and moisturized, so what is the difference between the two?


Body oil vs. lotion

According to Healthline, the biggest difference between body oil and lotion is that body oil is thicker, whereas lotion is thinner and seeps into the skin for softness. Body oil consists primarily of oils, which create a barrier on the skin that prevents moisture from seeping out.


Oils are often known for their wonderful smell and feel, while also being an emollient that softens the skin's top layer. Though this can leave the skin feeling and looking great, the hydration might not go deep enough.

Lotions are the winner of the hydration category when paired up against body oils. "Lotion is hydration based, so the main point of a lotion is to provide the skin with moisture and to repair it," licensed esthetician Lauren Siso tells Southern Living.

The lotion is being absorbed into the skin, providing the hydration your skin needs, whereas oil sits on the first layer. Since lotion penetrates deeper into the skin, it is often the best choice for dry skin situations, as you can feel the soothing relief almost immediately after application.


What is the best choice for you?

Often during the debate about using body oil or lotion, people forget that each individual has a different skin type. Some people have skin conditions that require extra hydration, whereas others have supple skin that simply needs a small boost.


"There's definitely not a one-size-fits-all for all skin types," says dermatologist Rebecca Kazin when speaking about moisturizing options to the American Academy of Dermatology Association. To keep your skin soft and moisturized on a daily basis, it can be a great option to use moisturizer immediately after showering.

If you have normal-to-dry skin that is not prone to acne, then you can use both body oil and lotion. First use a lotion to hydrate the skin, then use a body oil to lock in moisture, suggests Southern Living. However, if you are wondering which individual product has your best interest in mind, you aren't alone.

If you have extra dry skin, or you are over the age of 50, dermatologists recommend skipping lotion and oils altogether, and opting instead for an ointment or cream. If you have oily skin that breaks out when you use moisturizer, your skin may respond well to gel. Otherwise, lotion may be your best bet.


If your skin feels a little rough on the outer layer, then using body oil in addition to lotion may be a great choice for you. "Body oils contain emollient ingredients like fatty acids to help hydrate and soften the outer skin layer," says Dr. Joshua Zeichner, board-certified dermatologist, in an interview with Skincare.com

