Why You Should Have The C-Shape Haircut On Your Radar

Typically, when heading to the salon for a new haircut, clients take a photo of the latest celebrity hair trend to replicate. While that practice will seldom go away, it's not always the best hairstyle for you. After all, there are plenty of factors to consider when you choose your next haircut. You will, of course, want to consider factors like your face shape, height, neck length, and even eye color. When choosing your new haircut, you want to ensure that it works with your features and the texture of your hair.


More and more people are opting to go for shapes that specifically cater to those with specific hair needs. Thanks to social media, haircut terms like the U-shape, V-shape, and C-shape cuts are becoming more common to clients, not just to professionals. Haircuts like the C-shape design give your stylist more flexibility to cater the haircut to your needs and wants. These haircuts can also help improve the appearance of your hair in a way that the latest hair trend might not. Here's why.

What is the C-shape haircut?

For those looking for a new shape for their haircut, the C-shape might be your next go-to style. In fact, hairstylist Devin Graciano tells Mane Addicts, "The C-shape haircut trend shows off a beautifully executed long layered haircut that sits around chin length down to the perimeter of the hair that hugs inward toward your face. This cut is different in how it gets manipulated forward towards the face with little to no effort from the client because your stylist can manipulate the cut to push these layers forward." Graciano goes on to explain that the way this haircut is created is to maintain itself while your hair grows. 


If you first believe this hairstyle looks a bit familiar, that's because it is. On this, hairstylist Stephen Buller explained to Refinery29, "These layers run seamlessly down the length of the hair, which makes the hairstyle reminiscent of the iconic '90s Rachel from Friends cut." Similar to "The Rachel" haircut, the C-shape haircut is perfect if you want layers that frame your face, specifically the jawline area. A bit more structured than other haircuts, the C-shape haircut is ideal if you want an easy hairstyle that doesn't require much maintenance.

Why you'll want the c-shape haircut

Besides getting one of the most iconic '90s haircuts, there are plenty of reasons why you will want the c-shape haircut at your next hair appointment. Suzie McGill, the artistic director at Rainbow Room International Salons, tells Woman & Home, "One of my favorite benefits of this cut is that it requires little to no styling. The layers add instant volume to the hair and look naturally beautiful without the need to use heated styling tools or styling products. With that in mind, this haircut is great for those who are always on the go and that perhaps don't have the time or patience to style their hair and are looking for something a lot more low maintenance." If the volume has been a challenge with your hair recently, the c-shape haircut can help add bounce and the appearance of thickness back to your hair.


Pop XO adds that the C-shaped haircut, sometimes known as "The Sachel," is the ideal way to add some sharp edginess to your hair. With the firm layers folding inwards, you create a sharp line drawing from the jawline. This sharp line gives you an edgier and more modern look. While the C-shaped haircut may still be on the rise, don't be surprised when you find more of it popping up on your social feeds.

