What An Epsom Salt Bath Can And Can't Do For You

Anyone who has had a bubble bath before knows that it can be the ultimate way to relax. While baths remain a divisive topic between those who love a splash in the tub and those who find it dreadful, the truth is that any self-care moment is welcome as long as it helps you relax. There are plenty of ways you can level up your baths to make them more soothing and relaxing. One popular addition for baths is adding Epsom salt. MasterClass defines Epsom salt as a chemical compound "composed of magnesium, sulfur, and oxygen."


Even though there are now plenty of types of salt that you can add to your bath, Epsom salt is typically the most common one. As well as being popular, it's the type of bath salt with the most mystery surrounding it. While many people claim that Epsom salt has plenty of benefits, some see it as a simple aesthetic addition to your bath with no real purpose. Thankfully, Epsom salt has been around long enough to know whether it's worth the investment or not.

The benefits of an epsom salt bath

While the topic is divisive, there are many potential benefits that come with adding Epsom salt to your bath. GoodRx explains that, while research is limited, an Epsom salt bath could help alleviate swelling from arthritis and muscle pains. The idea behind this is that an Epsom salt bath can help raise your magnesium levels, which are linked to osteoarthritis. As well, an Epsom salt bath can be ideal for those who suffer from psoriasis, as it can help with itching and the removal of scales. While you should avoid bathing in hot water for too long, a quick 15-minute bath can help with these issues.


The most important advantage of an Epsom salt bath is stress relief. Cleveland Clinic explains that an Epsom salt bath can help to reduce stress, and may also provide relief from mental health conditions, such as anxiety. There is also some evidence to suggest that the magnesium found in an Epsom salt bath can help with anti-inflammation in internal organs.

If you or someone you know needs help with mental health, please contact the Crisis Text Line by texting HOME to 741741, call the National Alliance on Mental Illness helpline at 1-800-950-NAMI (6264), or visit the National Institute of Mental Health website.

Epsom salt bath myths and rumors

Like any wellness trend, there are also plenty of myths and rumors surrounding Epsom salt baths. Unfortunately, there is very little science that backs up many of the more impressive claims. Infinity Health Centre explains the enduring idea of magnesium being soaked into your skin and letting out the toxins is untrue. Skin is waterproof and has a protective barrier, meaning it isn't reasonable to believe that the salts can be absorbed through the skin. The body does an incredible job detoxifying itself, meaning that Epsom salts aren't needed for this process.


WellFit and Fed adds that Epsom salt baths cannot help relieve and heal bruises. While soaking in warm water may help with your circulation and contribute to your healing quicker, there's no correlation between Epsom salt baths and healing bruises. 

As Infinity Health Centre states, Epsom salt is harmless and often feels nice when added to a bath, so there's no reason to stay away from Epsom salt baths. Just be mindful that many claims written on Epsom salt packaging, often related to detoxing or healing powers, are simply baseless marketing techniques. 

