How To Treat Acne Breakouts Around Your Mouth

Pesky breakouts can make or break your confidence levels. Specifically, around the mouth. Acne is caused by oil, bacteria, and dead skin cells blocking hair follicles, no matter where they may be on your body, according to Healthline. What's more, breakouts affect 85% of people between ages 12 and 24, so it is nothing to be ashamed of, even if it is frustrating (via the American Academy of Dermatology Association). If you have plenty of pimples around your lips but limited bumps elsewhere, it may be time to take a closer look at the cause.


Acne breakouts around the mouth can be initiated by many factors, due to the area being specifically susceptible to blocked follicles. Hormones, your diet, and the products you use could be to blame, as they can trigger excess sebum or block your pores themselves. Consider what may be causing your acne by looking into what may be different in your habits when breakouts flare up. This is a great first step to deciding what treatment may work best for you. No matter if you are still unsure of your mouth acne cause, we have curated five ways to treat acne around your mouth once and for all.

Try a topical treatment

The most common treatment for acne around the mouth is a topical solution. Topical treatments made with benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid can be purchased over the counter. Other topical treatments that include retinoids such as tretinoin require a trip to the clinic for a prescription. These medications work by reducing oil production and treating bacterial infections (via the Mayo Clinic). Simply apply this topical treatment as directed, and see results within a couple of weeks!


Get your hormones in check

Hormones can be a big factor in the amount of acne you experience and where the pesky bumps show up. Research suggests that acne below the mouth and on the chin is often hormonal, particularly in females, per Healthline. Many women see acne around their mouth fluctuating around their period. If you think your mouth acne is hormonal, head to the doctor. Doctors can provide medications, such as birth control, to help keep your hormones in check and, in turn, treat your acne.


Don't pick

Picking at your acne will only make it worse. Though it is tempting, touching your face to pick at the acne will only cause more bumps. Popping your pimples is just as bad. Picking, popping, and peeling will prolong your skin's healing process and potentially cause scarring or worse, a bacterial infection, according to the Cleveland Clinic. The best thing you can do to treat pimples that have already formed is to leave them untouched rather than attempting to pop or pick them away.


Use a non-comedogenic lip balm

Can you believe that lip balm can actually be bad for your skin? While lip balm is healing for your lips, it can clog the pores around your lips when you apply it or rub your lips together after application, per Oakland Acne. This leaves blackheads and pimples galore. Luckily, there are still ways to keep your lips soft and kissable without a side of acne. Use a non-comedogenic lip balm, such as Akar Skin's Pure Lip Restoration balm. 


Speak to a dermatologist

If you are still struggling with acne around the mouth after trying many solutions for four to six weeks, you are not alone. This may mean it is time for you to visit a dermatologist to discuss your options (via WebMD). Possibly, your acne isn't even acne! There are other bumpy skin conditions. Maybe you require a stronger oral medication, such as Accutane. It is important to remember that everyone's skin journey is different and just because a form of treatment works for someone doesn't mean it will work for you.


