Why You Should Think Twice Before Getting A Tooth Gem Or Grills

Even though the '90s and Y2K scenes are raging their ways through fashion once more, the new-age generations are still adding their updated twists to the classic aesthetics. While we trade high-waisted jeans for low rises and loose-hanging hair for claw clips, wearing blinged teeth is becoming a signature stamp of these younger generations. Celebrities like Kim Kardashian have been known to show off their grills with dazzling gold diamonds, and most recently, Rosalía showed off her butterfly tooth gems on Instagram in the streets of Spain. Smiles are gleaming on the gram with rainbow-colored rhinestones and Swarovski crystals making their way on every girl's feed.


According to Pinterest's Business Report for 2022, searches for crystal eye makeup have increased 110%, while searches for tooth gems have increased 85%. Seemingly harmless, the crystal and gemmed age is reaching its pinnacle in fashion, with more and more stunting the glitzy beauty styles. But just how safe are these glued gems?

Tooth gems can damage your teeth

The age-old saying tells us that all that glitters isn't gold, and it couldn't be more true for tooth gems and grills. Unfortunately, despite their shimmering appearance, dentists have several warnings surrounding tooth gems and jewelry. According to dentists at Miracle Smiles, the application of tooth gems can ruin one's tooth enamel and can even cause tooth discoloration thanks to the adhesives. These crystals are also designed to last anywhere from six months to a year, covering up tooth surface area that needs to be cleaned regularly. By having cosmetic jewelry placed on your teeth, you cannot correctly brush your teeth and prevent tooth decay or cavities.


There are, however, some dentist offices that offer high-quality tooth gems that are made with a special dental alloy that is biocompatible with oral health (via Angel Care Dental). These gems are created and manufactured by dentists and are, therefore, safe for use but should only be applied by professionals. Still, there may be a way to safely wear grills.

Grills increase the risk of tooth decay

If you've ever worn a grill, you know the immediate satisfaction and heightened energy that the gold sheaths instantly bring your smile. Unfortunately, these flashy mouthpieces are not made to protect your teeth and can pose several risks to your oral health. Oral hygiene professionals at Safe Smiles report that "grills can increase the risk of tooth decay and gum disease because they might trap bacterial plaque behind the tooth's surface." They also serve no functional purpose at all and are entirely cosmetic. Like most cosmetic tools, it comes at a price. Safe Smiles warns that grills, if not appropriately made, also run the risk of misaligning teeth if worn for too long.


This is not to say that wearing a grill will ultimately destroy your teeth. Oral hygienists simply want you to know that if you choose to wear them, you must be persistent in your tooth care game. What's more, experts at Colgate suggest removing your grill between meals and eating and drinking, flossing daily, cleaning your grill often to remove any hidden bacteria, and wearing the grill sparingly. Beauty doesn't have to come at a cost. Be diligent in your hygiene and save the bling for special nights only.

